Microsoft told me it had nothing to share on Windows 11 Recall AI return after I reached out to the company multiple times. While Windows 11’s Recall AI hasn’t been cancelled, Microsoft is likely taking its time to iron out possible concerns about the feature. The recent Windows 11 builds also do not contain any reference to Recall.
Recall is one of the most hyped and controversial features of Windows 11. Unlike other AI features, Recall takes snapshots of your screen every five seconds and then processes them locally using small language models. The idea of Recall is to analyze the content of your screen so you can search for anything.
Recall AI was supposed to ship in public preview on June 18 with Copilot+ PCs, but Microsoft announced on June 13 that it’s delaying the release of Windows 11’s big AI upgrade to make sure it’s secure and tested before shipping it to consumers on Copilot+ PCs.
“Recall will now shift from a preview experience broadly available for Copilot+ PCs on June 18, 2024, to a preview available first in the Windows Insider Program (WIP) in the coming weeks, ” Microsoft noted in an update to its blog post on June 13, adding that it plans to release Recall for Copilot+ PCs soon.
On June 13, Microsoft promised to test Recall with Windows Insiders in the coming weeks, but now it’s almost September, and testers have gotten nothing.
So what happened to Recall? Nobody knows, but we don’t think the feature has been cancelled. It’s probably still coming later this year.
When I asked Microsoft, the company told me it still had nothing to share for the time being and referred us to the…
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