You’ll need an ARM64 processor like the Snapdragon X Elite with NPU, 225GB of storage (SSD), and up to 16GB of RAM to use Windows 11 version 24H2’s highly anticipated “AI Explorer”. While Windows 11 24H2 and most of its new features will work on all PCs, you’ll need the new Snapdragon X Elite chip to try the “AI Explorer”.
So, what exactly is an AI Explorer, and why does it need Snapdragon X Elite to deliver on the promise? First and foremost, “AI Explorer” has nothing to do with File Explorer. Instead, it’s similar to the Windows 10 Timeline feature. It will try to log everything you do on your PC, such as your tasks, meetings, browsing history, and email, and make them searchable.
It could be similar to a personalized AI for your PC in many ways. The best part? It’ll work locally and won’t send your data to Microsoft (we hope). As a result, Microsoft plans to make the feature exclusive to powerful AI PCs, such as the Snapdragon X Elite.
Microsoft has already confirmed that 2024 will be the year of AI PCs. These PCs will pack an NPU that will take care of all the AI-based tasks on the device. Surface devices with Intel AI CPUs have already launched a few weeks back. However, a recent finding reveals that the much-hyped AI Explorer won’t be available for all PCs.
We already know that AI Explorer needs an NPU to work. Intel, AMD, and upcoming Snapdragon X Elite processors have that component, but that won’t be enough for all the AI features. In our tests, we observed that X Elite’s NPU beats all the rivals by a significant margin.
Processor | NPU Power | Peak (with GPU/CPU) |
Snapdragon X Elite | 45 TOPS | 75 TOPS |
Intel Meteor Lake | 11 TOPS | 34 TOPS |
AMD Ryzen Hawk Point | 16 TOPS | 38 TOPS |
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